BREAKTHROUGH - Three Mondays in June - Virtual Event: Live and Recorde – Misha Usov - IC Institute


BREAKTHROUGH - Three Mondays in June - Virtual Event: Live and Recorded

BREAKTHROUGH - Three Mondays in June - Virtual Event: Live and Recorded

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Unblocking the Path to Your Expressive, Invisible Self

This is your Invitation to Three Mondays in June. 
“You’re only given a little spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it.” 
 - Robin WIlliams

The breakthroughs we all want, whether in art, business, or personal growth — only happen when we shake things up a bit with what some might call madness. 

Your own spark can't really light up the world unless your heavy, protective shell and familiar way of doing things get disrupted. 
And get disrupted in very particular ways.

And ordinary knowledge isn't strong enough to do the disrupting.
We need techniques and practices that can sneak past our thinking selves and get to the self that is the source of all kinds of wonderful things. 

We need to get to our own expressiveness, our timing, our character, and our state. 

Think about it: every remarkable achievement that's captivated us or stood the test of time was crafted by someone who knew how to let their inner uniqueness lead the way. 

But they didn't get there alone — they certainly had outside help. Breaking through to your inner world isn’t about going it alone; it's about how we reach out for help, how we draw others into our lives. 

And we all need help from sometimes very unusual and unexpected sources to finally release and share the joy we keep hidden away.

Misha Usov, a professional performance artist from Cirque du Soleil, is, in some ways, a most unexpected guide into the inner self. 

But if you think about it, Misha has been on the stage for more than 30 years in front of audiences from 5,000 to 10,000.

He knows some pretty amazing secrets about creative breakthroughs.

And he knows how to open you up to your own radical, invisible self.

So, join Misha for three Mondays in June as he teaches us physical and mental techniques to open the path to our expressive self, our little hidden self who has been waiting to give to the world for a long time. 

It's going to be something you didn't expect—a way into your hidden self you never imagined.

How the Series Works: three 75-minute livestreaming sessions on Zoom.
June 3, 10, and 17 at 6pm Pacific time.
60-minutes of instruction, followed by 15-minutes for questions. Misha will send you materials that will help you prepare for the sessions and a follow-up guide after the final session with exercises to extend your progress. If you need to miss one or more sessions, all the sessions will be recorded and available to you within 2 days after the session. $75 all three sessions.